English translation for "proton radiography"
- 质子放射摄影
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The research on the radiation effects of materials induced by high - energy proton irradiation is of important significance in many scientific fields , such as the single event effects of semiconductor components exposed on space , accelerator - driven nuclear energy generator , tritium production by accelerator , intense pulsed ion beam technology , proton radiography , etc . the effects and mechanisms of irradiation vary vastly for different energies and intensities of proton beams 宇宙高能质子的单粒子效应( see )研究、洁静核能系统( ads )研究、加速器产氚计划( apt ) 、强脉冲离子束( ipib )技术、质子断层扫描等领域都涉及质子辐射效应问题。质子辐射对不同的材料会导致不同的效应,开展质子辐射效应产生的机制研究,掌握其效应规律,对于电子学元器件的抗辐射加固指标提出,以及在其他研究中的方案设计等都有重要意义。 |
- Similar Words:
- "proton pump" English translation, "proton pump inhibitor" English translation, "proton radiation therapy" English translation, "proton radioactive" English translation, "proton radioactive nucleus" English translation, "proton reaction" English translation, "proton recoil" English translation, "proton recoil chamber" English translation, "proton recoil counter" English translation, "proton recoil detector" English translation